2023 Arizona State Raffle Results

Congratulations to all the 2023 Arizona State Council Knights of Columbus Raffle winners. Below are the prize amounts, the winners, and the council who sold the winning ticket. PRIZES WINNERS COUNCIL 1st ($10,000) Blanca Campos Council 9446 2nd ($7,000) Alyssa Aurell...

Council 11809 Donation to First Way Pregnancy Center

On Friday, August 5, 2022, Mike and Sue Ward met Katie Wing, Executive Director of First Way Pregnancy Center, at Mimi’s Cafe and presented her with a check from the Knights of Columbus Council #11809 for $2,430 from the Arizona State Raffle money and five baby...

Our Lady of Lourdes Baby Bottle Drive

Save Your Change and Change a Life! The Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary will be hosting a Baby Bottle Drive at Our Lady of Lourdes for First Way Pregnancy Center! First Way will be present at all Masses on the weekend of March 12th and 13th. We are asking...