Ladies Auxiliary

Update About the Ladies Auxiliary
This is an update following our Ladies Auxiliary meeting on Thursday, May 9th, 2024.
With a heavy heart, we announce the difficult decision to disband the Ladies Auxiliary group due to a shortage of volunteers for board positions in the coming year.
We sincerely thank the current and past Ladies Auxiliary board members. Your unwavering dedication and hard work over the years have been instrumental in supporting our community and the Knights of Columbus. Your contributions will always be remembered and valued.
While the Ladies Auxiliary group may be disbanding, we want to assure you that there are still ways to stay connected. You’re welcome to join the Knights of Columbus Council 11809 for their general business meetings for social gatherings. Feel free to attend the Rosary at 5:30 pm, leave afterward, or stay as long as you’d like.
We remain committed to supporting the Knights events, including food drives, water drives, Bernadette’s Brew, the Fish Fry, and more. Our remaining funds will be distributed to charities before closing the Ladies Auxiliary bank account.
Warm regards!
Sue Ward, President
Ladies Auxiliary
Knights of Columbus, Council 11809