About Us

About the Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus is an order of Catholic gentlemen committed to the exemplification of charity, unity, fraternity, patriotism, respect for life and defense of the priesthood, and religious freedom.
On October 2, 1881, a small group of men met in the basement of St. Mary’s Church on Hill House Avenue in New Haven, Connecticut Called together by their 29-year-old parish priest, Father Michael J McGivney, these men formed a fraternal society that would one day become the world’s largest Catholic family fraternal service organization. They sought strength in solidarity, and security through unity of purpose and devotion to a holy cause they vowed to be defenders of their country, their families, and their faith. These men were bound together by the ideal of Christopher Columbus, the discoverer of the Americas, the one whose journeys brought Christianity to the New World. Their efforts came to fruition with the incorporation of their fraternal benefits group under the name the Knights of Columbus on March 29, 1882.
About Council 11809
Being a Knight is more than camaraderie, it is being involved in your community; it is supporting your local Catholic Church while enhancing your own faith; it is about protecting and enhancing your family life. Our organization is fortified by its past and driven by its goals for the future. It is through our Faith In Action Program that we truly make a difference. We are also pledged to support our Priests and Seminarians, who are the future of our Catholic Church.
Council Officers
Below are the Council 11809 officers for the 2024-2025 Fraternal Year, beginning July 1st.
Grand Knight – Bob Conen
Deputy Grand Knight – Ed Hoover
Financial Secretary – Jake Kluch
Chancellor – Carlos Alexander
Recorder – Ken Blick
Treasurer – Mike Ward
Advocate – Jim Michel
Warden – Fred Malcolm
Inside Guard – Deven Michel
Outside Guard – Dwight McMichael
Trustee 1YR – John Heep
Trustee 2YR – Jim Geffre
Trustee 3YR – Greg Jude
Membership – John Heep
Lecturer – Rich Stone
Chaplain – Fr. Bill Fournier
District Deputy – Joe D’Andrea Jr.
Insurance – Gary Kwapiszeski
Public Relations – Henry Gorski
Website – Cary King
Council Meetings
Monthly Council general meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, St. Madonna Hall. We begin in the hall with the rosary at 5:45 PM, and the member meeting starts at 6:15 PM. The Officers & Directors meeting is held on the Monday before the member meeting at 2:00 PM in the Fr. McGivney Room.
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church
19002 N. 128th Avenue
Sun City West, AZ 85375